Annual Fund

Donations from fundraising events and direct gifts contribute...

Get Involved

Support for St. Anthony Catholic School comes in...

Give Now

You do not need to wait for the...

Giving Priorities

What is the best way to give to...

Planned Goving

St. Anthony Catholic School welcomes bequests or planned...

Ways To Give

There are many ways to give and support...

Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
Spring Break
2021 Summer Camp Registration is now open!
St. Anthony Catholic School is ready to provide a safe and enriching summer program for children ages 2 - 14! Weekly themes provide great opportunities for exploration and fun while maintaining COVID protocols for everyone's safety. Registration is open to...
Lista Information Session
Join us April 15th for a virtual session to learn more about the LISTA Spanish Immersion program at St. Anthony's.
2021 Summer Camp Registration is now open!
St. Anthony Catholic School is ready to provide a safe and enriching summer program for children ages 2 - 14! Weekly themes provide great opportunities for exploration and fun while maintaining COVID protocols for everyone's safety. Registration is open to...
Lista Information Session
Join us April 15th for a virtual session to learn more about the LISTA Spanish Immersion program at St. Anthony's.
2021 Summer Camp Registration is now open!
St. Anthony Catholic School is ready to provide a safe and enriching summer program for children ages 2 - 14! Weekly themes provide great opportunities for exploration and fun while maintaining COVID protocols for everyone's safety. Registration is open to...
Lista Information Session
Join us April 15th for a virtual session to learn more about the LISTA Spanish Immersion program at St. Anthony's.